Corsair TX750W Power Supply
Manufacturer: Corsair
UK Price (as reviewed): £86.60 (inc. VAT)
US Price (as reviewed): $167.13 (ex. Tax)
There's no doubt in my mind that ever since Corsair launched its HX-range of power supplies, it has made massive strides in the market. Almost overnight, it overtook other industry heavyweights as the product of choice for many enthusiasts. To think that Corsair doesn't actually make its own PSUs either is incredibly impressive – when using OEM facilities you risk delays and internal competition from other companies the OEM works for.
Obviously Corsair doesn't just slap its name on the side of any old tat and roll it out the door. Instead, things have to be of a certain quality and standard to further add to its already strong brand name – a notion that other companies could certainly learn from.
In this regard, we expected the CMPSU-TX750 / TX750W to also be quite impressive. It's a non-modular design that’s targeted at those in need of more power than what’s available in the more mainstream HX or newer VX ranges. Corsair expects the end user to require all the cables since those in need of a high power unit obviously need the power it can supply – there's no need for such a high wattage PSU otherwise. I say "high wattage" because this is current Corsair's most powerful PSU and, compared to the rest of the industry, this is really quite puny.
The company does have a
1,000W HX-series unit around the corner, but we have long stated that 99 percent of you don't need 1,000W of power. Thankfully, many members of the
bit-tech community also recognise this and have a similar respect for Corsair for calling out at those who make ultra high wattage units for extra inches to the e-peen.
But Corsair has a significant uphill struggle: the TX750W goes up against our previous favourites and industry super stars like the PC Power and Cooling 750W Silencer and the Enermax Infiniti 720W. Both are truly fantastic PSUs—and we use two Silencers daily in the lab—but can Corsair equal or even top this? It's going to be a long climb ahead, but let’s find out...
Corsair TX750W
The TX750W not only comes packed between two thick bits of foam but also in its own specially branded velvet/plastic bag too – it’s a nice touch when you first open it. Since its a non-modular unit, the cables are all clumped together in addition to the power lead and extra bits at the other end of the box. For good measure, Corsair throws in four black case screws, a few black cable ties to match the colour of the PSU and a Corsair case badge. While these are cheap bitty extras, they at least match the colour up and there's nothing else you really need.

Corsair supplies the unit with a five year warranty – a solid provision that's becoming the industry standard, but it's still more than some of the big boys, such as Tagan and Enermax which still only offer three years. In comparison, it's still not quite as good as PC Power and Cooling's seven year warranty, but there must come a period of time after which you just don't care anymore – how many five to seven year old PSUs do you still use?
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