It’s all over. Over 2,500 of you voted and we’ve got three new podium finishers and a winner for bit-tech’s Mod of the Year 2012. We’re sure you’ll agree that this year is one of the best ever for modding and we’d like to congratulate everyone who was nominated in the competition as well as all those who started a project on bit-tech last year as many of your projects are simply awesome.
If you missed all the action you can see competition, including all 20 fantastic projects
We’d also like to thank our many sponsors who have stumped up a huge collection of prizes this year for the podium finishes. Head
over the page to see all the great prizes from our sponsors.

Also Mnpctech has provided mystery prizes to ten lucky voters. You are:
- Aaron Liske of Michigan, USA
- Barry Degeling from The Netherlands
- Benjamin Willis of the UK
- Bruce Leyden of the UK
- Derick Mahoney of New Jersey, USA
- Erwin Andrew Torres from The Philippines
- James Krauss of Washington, USA
- Nathan Blanchard of Louisiana, USA
- Oliver Thiem of Massachusetts, USA
- Rob Cridland of the UK
We’ve sent you an email to the one you provided in your vote.
Click to enlarge
As we mentioned in the main competition article, voting took place in two parts. The top five projects in alphabetical order as voted by you were:
We’ve selected a group of prominent modders to help bit-tech judge the top five projects by ranking them 1-5 in order of preference. A first place vote gets 5 points, while a 5th place vote gets 1 point.
Incredibly, we had a tie for first place between The Next Level by Pascal de Greef and Cor leonis by Attila Lukacs, both achieving 16 points from our judges. However, we decided that in the event of this happening, the project with the most reader votes should win. Without further ado, this year's top five projects are:
1st Place - The Next Level by Pascal de Greef (Paslis) with 16 votes (most reader votes)
Click to enlarge
2nd Place - Cor leonis by Attila Lukacs (Attila) with 16 votes
3rd Place - Tenuis by Peter Husar (Gtek) (11 votes)
4th Place - Twister Mod 8.0.0.D by Daniel Bolognesi (9 votes)
5th Place - Asus TUF Armorsuit Z77 by Paul Tan (8 votes)
Congratulations to Pascal for becoming bit-tech's new Mod of the Year champion and well done to all of this year's nominees. We'll be in touch with Pascal, Attila and Peter on Friday regarding the prizes!
While it's only the top three that win prizes, we'd also like to announce some unofficial awards to a few projects that didn't make it into the top five, but impressed us and the community all the same.
The technical skill and attention to detail award goes to Acronym by Devin Spratt (Achron), Blue Horizon by Keir Graham (riekmaharg2) and Get A Life by (Torgny Karlsson) The Gnu.
The best use of new modding techniques and materials award goes to M8 by Hans Peder Sahl (p0Pe) and SSR-X by Dave Biro (Cleveland216). You can see all of the nominees in the
main article.
With that done and dusted, it's time to look forward to a whole new year of modding. We'll be back soon with more guides, competitions and features and who knows what projects we'll see in 2013.
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