Bit-tech Modding Update - October 2013
Welcome to the latest edition of our Modding Update - a look at some of the best completed projects from our forum. We've got five cracking builds for you to swoon over again this month and the next few pages are truly filled with some spectacular eye-candy.
We've been busy behind the scenes too, building up our very own modding databases. We've added scores of projects to our Scratchbuild Index, which is now up to date. The
Scratchbuild Indexfeatures cases made from scratch, sorted by materials used, motherboard size and case type. It's a great way of finding some inspiration for your new projects.
We've also got the the
Case Mod Index - our database of case mods, and it now has over 130 projects, all filtered by case manufacturer and model. You can see what others have done with a case you might own or be thinking about buying, and see how others have modded it and whether they've water-cooled it too.

UK modding and watercooling etailer
Specialtech is offering a
Phobya TPC 5.25" 4 Channel Fan and Temperature Controller every month and we'll be shipping the prize worldwide so everyone can enter. To be in with a chance of winning, just submit your project - be it a mod or scratchbuild below.
How to submit Case Mods
If you're submitting a case mod (modified case), it must be complete with noticeable modifications (these can include spray paint/powder-coat or installed water-cooling hardware.) To submit your case mod you'll need to include the following information:
How to submit case mods- Your forum user name
- Case (make and model)
- URL to your project log (which must be in bit-tech's project log forum)
- Project name
- Is your PC water-cooled?
How to submit Scratchbuilds- Forum user name
- Motherboard size - ATX, micro-ATX, mini ITX, other
- Case type - tower/cube/desk/HTPC/other
- Primary material - acrylic/metal/wood/composite/other or mixed
- URL to your project log (which must be in bit-tech's project log forum)
- Is your PC water-cooled? Y/N
Email your submissions to with 'Submit My Project' in the subject line.
The winner for last month is popular modder Waynio, who recently added his spectacular metal cube to the Scratchbuild Index. As detailed in his
project log, Wayne has used his usual painstaking attention to detail and made the case from the ground up using little more than a scroll saw and files.
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
Well done to Wayne on completing such a fantastic mini-ITX project and don't forget to check out his other project -
Lean and Green too, which is currently under way in our forum.
over the page to see more eye-candy.
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