February 2013 Bit-tech Modding Update
We've some some fantastic work already in our modding forums and six very promising projects are already featured in January's Mod of the Month competition. We've also launched our
Raspberry Pi case competition - make your own case for the Raspberry Pi and you could be in with a chance of winning your own Raspberry Pi Model B and a user guide from Wiley (
Our modding databases are growing by the day as well.
The Case Mod Index now has well over 100 case mods, all filtered by case manufacturer and model so you can see what others have done with a particular case and whether they've water-cooled it too.
Scratchbuild Index is just that - a database of scratch-built PCs that are listed by motherboard size, case type and primary material. Are you a big fan of wood or acrylic builds? Simply head over to the wood or acrylic sections to all the scratchbuilds that have been submitted.
We've got several dozen projects listed now but we need your help to grow both databases. To that end, we're enticing you to add your projects with some prizes.

UK modding and watercooling etailer
Specialtech is offering a Xigmatek Aeigir CPU cooler every month and we'll be shipping the prize worldwide so everyone can enter. Just submit your project below.
The winner for January is abbas-it who recently submitted several fantastic scratchbuilds to the Scratchbuild Index.
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How to submit Case Mods
If you're submitting a case mod (modified case), it must be complete with noticeable modifications (these can include spray paint/powder-coat or installed water-cooling hardware.) To submit your case mod you'll need to include the following information:
- Your forum user name
- Case (make and model)
- URL to your project log (which must be in bit-tech's project log forum)
- Project name
- Is your PC water-cooled?
How to submit Scratchbuilds- Forum user name
- Motherboard size - ATX, micro-ATX, mini ITX, other
- Case type - tower/cube/desk/HTPC/other
- Primary material - acrylic/metal/wood/composite/other or mixed
- URL to your project log (which must be in bit-tech's project log forum)
- Is your PC water-cooled? Y/N
Email your submissions to
modding@bit-tech.net with 'Submit My Project' in the subject line.
Case Mod Index Stats for February:
Number of projects: 110
Most popular case manufacturer: Cooler Master (24)
Most popular case: Silver Stone TJ-07 (7)
Back to the main reason you're here and we have some fantastic projects to show you that are hot off the press. First up is Lian Li PC-U6 Nautilus by Arizona-based RebootTech. It's a fascinating project using Lian Li's snail-inspired case.
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Throw in some high end hardware, lights and water-cooling and RebootTech has turned this decidedly odd-looking case into one of the most eye-catching projects we've seen completed this month. You can see more in the
project log
over the page to see more eye-candy.
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