Well, the
bit-tech team has landed back in England after a 10 hour marathon flight back from Sin City. As we go back through the thousands of pictures we've taken while we've been out here, a few stick in our mind. Here, then, is a view of the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show through the lens of our Nikon D50.
Feel free to
drop by the forums and let us know your thoughts of the snaps.

[i]Early morning, and a new day brings a new platform.

It's hard to remember that Vegas is slap-bang in the middle of the desert.

The Venetian housed overflow exhibits from the Convention Centre. This sculpture sits in one of the main entrances to the hotel.

They don't call it Sin City for nothing.

Microsoft announced a partnership with MTV, creators of Napolean Dynamite.

The view from the bit-tech hotel room, overlooking Ceasar's Palace and the Bellagio hotels.

Deputy Editor Geoff Richards chews the fat with Editor of the Inquirer, Mike Magee.

The luxurious Wynn resort towers above the strip.

Over at the 'other' Vegas trade show in town, we find a fan.
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