Hackers over at the University of Southern California have unveiled an interesting little project dubbed
Viewfinder which aims to “
spatially situate” 2D imagery in a 3D environment.
Any walker with a GPS, camera, and copy of
Google Earth will be familiar with geotagging – adding location information into the EXIF data of photographs. Geotagging allows images to be loaded into Google Earth in such a way that they are visible in the precise area where the original image was taken – which is pretty cool.
The Viewfinder project takes this idea and extends it to its logical conclusion – mapping a two dimensional photograph onto the three dimensional space provided in applications like Google Earth. The team behind the technology describes it as “
an experience that is as visceral as Google Earth and as accessible as Flickr.”
video of the technology in action is certainly pretty impressive, and whilst I wouldn't call it a 'killer app' it's a neat extension of the current ability to accurately pin your photographs down to a mapped location. It also makes for a neat take on a slideshow, and could be an excellent way to drum up a bit of interest in your holiday snaps.
Although the procedure for 'posing' photographs is largely manual at the moment, the team expects that cameras available in the future will have “
the sensing and intelligence to fully automate this process,” and describes Viewfinder as “
a getting-from-here-to-there strategy; it is an artistic intervention as well as a technological innovation.”
Unfortunately, you'll have to wait a while to start spatially situating your own photographs: although the university has clear plans to commercialise the technology, having applied for a patent, the team won't be releasing the software until an average ten year old is able to 'pose' a photograph in under a minute. How long until the technology reaches that level of maturity – or, indeed, immaturity – remains to be seen.
A neat trick, or can you see real uses for the technology? Share your thoughts over in
the forums.
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