Ubisoft CEO calls for shorter console cycles

Written by David Hing

November 27, 2012 | 08:21

Tags: #consoles #wii-u #yves-guillemot

Companies: #ubisoft

Ubisoft chief executive Yves Guillemot has expressed a desire for the next console cycle to be much shorter than our current one.

Talking to Polygon, Guillemot suggested that the seven year cycle starting with the launch of the Xbox 360 in 2005 has stifled creativity and led to developers taking less risks.

'We need new consoles and at the end of the cycle generally the market goes down because there are less new IPs,' he said. He added that the launch of new hardware is an ideal time for companies to "reinvent" themselves.

The current console generation is drawing to a close with Nintendo launching its Wii U in the US earlier this month. The console has sold approximately 400,000 units in retailers. Despite this new device on the market however, the original Wii still managed to shift 300,000 units during the same period.

Ubisoft has jumped on to the new console's release with a total of six titles for the new console either already launched or scheduled for before the end of Q1 2013. Its Wii U catalogue includes ZombiU, an entry to the Rabbids series and Assassin's Creed 3.

Away from the console market, earlier this year Ubisoft decided to drop its DRM tactics for its PC titles that required players to maintain a constant internet connection. Guillemot had previously stated that the company sees a 93%-95% piracy rate on the platform.
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