Sony cuts PS3 numbers (again), MS rolls out 360 update

Written by Wil Harris

October 31, 2006 | 12:18

Tags: #360 #console #cut #dashboard #ps3

Companies: #japan #microsoft #sony

A couple of interesting console-based titbits for you this morning.

First off, Sony has cut launch allocations for the PS3 console even further, with Japan being the first for the chop. Sony's home territory will now only see 80,000 of the machines at launch, as contrasted to the 100,000 it was promised. Once again, it seems it's those pesky blue lasers that are causing the problem.

It's interesting to consider the few hundred thousand consoles that will land for the PS3 launch against the 1 million consoles that tipped up for the PS2 launch. There are going to be some sky-high eBay bids come Chrimbo!

Secondly, Microsoft has updated the Xbox 360 Dashboard, bringing new features to console users. Notable additions include 1080p support over component or VGA, HD-DVD support, as well as support for playing video back from USB keys or plug-in drives.

There's also support in there for Zune, although more on that later.

Let us know what you think of the news over in the forums.
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