Quake Wars: Enemy Territory classes detailed

Written by Wil Harris

April 25, 2006 | 15:08

Tags: #enemy-territory #gdf #quake-wars #strogg

Some new details have hit our inbox this morning concerning the specifics of character classes in the new Quake title, Quake Wars - Enemy Territory.

ET for Quake is an update of the fan-favourite mod that will take on Battlefield 2 in the massive-world-FPS stakes. Splash Damage, the developer working under the wing of id Software, has promised that the maps will be bigger than BF2, making for some large-scale gunplay.

There are a lot of new classes for ET and we have had a look at the classes for both sides - the Global Defence Force and their well-known (and muchly fragged) enemy, the Strogg. Not really any surprises - standard assault, engineer, medic and spy classes abound, but here's the run down straight from Splash for completists. Check it out, then let us know your thoughts on Quake Wars over in the forums.

The GDF:
Soldier: This is the GDF’s assault class. The Soldier can choose heavy weapons, such as the N93 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) and N72 LAW Rocket Launcher. He also carries Fragmentation Grenades and the High Explosive Charge.

Field Ops: The GDF’s Fire Support specialist, the Field Ops can deploy Fire Support guns in the field, and designate targets for them. His deployables include the Artillery Gun, Guided Rockets and Strategic Hammer Launcher. He can also call in Air-Strikes and dispenses ammunition to his squad mates. He carries the N80 Assault Rifle.

Engineer: The Engineer is a support/defence class, constructing and repairing vehicles, deployables, and objectives (such as bridges and machinery). He also deploys and maintains defence turrets, such as the Anti-Personnel, Anti-Missile and Anti-Vehicle deployables. The Engineer carries the N22 Shotgun and multi-purpose mines.

Covert Ops: The GDF’s Covert Operative specialises in stealthy infiltration, sniping, electronic sabotage and reconnaissance. Rangers can use their PDA’s to hack and disable enemy deployables, and deploy 3rd Eye cameras to spy on the enemy and relay their locations to his squad mates. The Covert Ops carries the N38 Sniper Rifle and smoke grenades.

Medic: The GDF medical specialist provides a support and combat role. He heals and revives team mates by dispensing health packs and using his Defibrillator pads. The Medic can air-drop supply stations in the field, and carries the N80 Assault Rifle.
Strogg Character Classes

The Strogg:
Aggressor The Strogg assault class can choose powerful heavy weapons such as the Hyperblaster fast-firing assault weapon and Obliterator Bosonic Orb weapon. He carries a large number of Shrap grenades and the explosive Plasma Charge.

Oppressor The Strogg’s fire support expert can call in artillery deployables such as the Plasma Mortar, Rail Howitzer and Orbital Laser, and can direct their fire against enemy targets. He also carries the rapid-firing Lacerator.

Constructor: The Strogg engineering expert constructs and repairs dynamic objectives and deploys anti-personnel and anti-vehicle turrets. He can choose from one of two support weapons; the Nailgun, or a modified Lacerator with built-in Grenade Launcher. He carries a number of Proximity Mines and the Repair Drone, an AI-based automatic repair tool that will pursue damaged Strogg vehicles, repair them and then return to the Constructor (providing he’s still in range).

Infiltrator: The Infiltrator is a stealthy backstabber and saboteur. The Infiltrator can possess fallen GDF players, initially stunning them with his Bio-Electric Pinch Bomb, and then use their corpse as a disguise and infiltrate GDF bases. He can choose the Railgun, used for Long-Distance Sniping, or a modified Lacerator with increased accuracy. He also carries a remote Drone, which can be used to spy on the enemy.

Technician The Technician keeps his team mates alive and shooting by replenishing their Stroyent supplies, giving them both health and ammunition in one fix. The Technician can deploy Forcefield emitters, providing cover for his team mates on the front line. He can also create Spawn hosts out of fallen GDF troops, allowing a Strogg reinforcement to spawn right at the battlefront. The Technician carries a standard Lacerator.
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