A long awaited ruling in the Hollywood vs the rest of the P2P world battle is expected today - but many believe that the decision could be postponed once again, due to pressing legal matters in far away, sunnier climes:
A decision in a key legal case that pits movie studios against the makers of file-sharing software is imminent.
The US Supreme Court is deciding if the software firms can be blamed when their creations are used to break the law.
The case was brought by 28 media makers who claim the main use of file-sharing networks is to help people illegally swap copyrighted material.
Despite the expected judgement, some experts fear the decision may be delayed yet again.
More from the BBC
So - it's today, or after the Judges have had their annual breaks to Aruba or Waikiki. Either way, as the article states, it'll have little effect. And of course, the legal battle won't stop there, as there will be the inevitable tedium of appeal and counter appeal... Ho Hum.
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Update: The BBC have announced that the Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Hollywood, counter to popular expectation that the P2P developers would win out. Read more about this shock defeat for the P2P'ers at the BBC
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