Firefox continues to attract users away from IE, despite
recent news on vulnerabilities in the cunning browser's code. eWeek reports on another 1% rise in people ditching IE for FF:
The open-source Web browser has gained one more percentage point in U.S. user share against Microsoft Corp.'s IE browser during the past two months, reported WebSideStory Inc. on Tuesday.
As of the end of April, Firefox rose to 6.8 percent of browser usage, while IE dropped one percentage point to 88.9 percent, according to WebSideStory.
The Web analytics and digital marketing company, based in San Diego, Calif., tracks browser usage based on the percentage of unique browsers hitting its network of sites, which reach more than 30 million Internet users each day.
It's going to be interesting to see if Microsoft's next version if Internet Explorer will be able to stem the tide of those jumping ship. Will those that have switched be wooed back?
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