KOS-MOS: a female android weapon system built to
counter the invading gnosis forces from the RPG Xenosaga.
The idea to build a machine based on a character from Namco's
Xenosaga came about from two coincidental events. The first was discovering the inadequacies of my existing Koolance PC3-410BK after installing a GeForce 6800 Ultra - it just couldn't handle the extra load, so I decided to replace the cooling system itself.
The second event was the discovery of the Xenosaga TV series while hunting for new anime fan subs on the net. OK, so the series wasn't too hot but I heard it was based on a PS2 game and out of curiosity I started hunting for more info on the plot. I stumbled upon the designs for the new sequel that was still being made. When scavangeing the main site, I spotted the concept art for the new "rebuilt" KOS-MOS, trading in an almost doll like design from the first game and TV series for a more sleek and aesthetically pleasing design.
However, it wasn't my original intention to make a case based on the humanoid weapon herself. When the supplier of my new case informed me that they didn't have the black case in stock and would not receive stock for several months, I decided that my need was more about the hardware, and the in-stock silver instead of black would be acceptable.

Technically, the silver version is the same as my preferred black model, but while the design looks slick in black, the silver chassis looked utterly dire, bland and in desperate need of an overhaul. Thus the idea was born.
As a rule, I don't like doing things by the norm and instead of making it with crappy KOS-MOS images all over it, I set about making the design as if was a rendition of KOS-MOS; as if she was built with today's technology rather then the advance technology from the game, if you get what I mean.
I started by hunting down as many images of the new KOS-MOS that I could. I identified the key points of the new design and set about building a design on them. I like to plan things out fully rather then slap random crap all over the shop.
Whist I waited for the case to arrive from the U.S. I set about designing:
The front was designed to loosely resemble the KOS-MOS design without being too over the top and cluttered.
While I wanted it to look as though it was roughly KOS-MOS herself, I didn't want to make it so that I wouldn't need to keep explaining what it was based on every time someone commented on it. So I decided to get a laser etch made of the image that inspired it all for the window.
Another key feature of KOS-MOS was her internals: on the original image she has red wires flowing through her torso so I decided that every wire in the case would either be red or red sleeved and her blue skin would be simply done with a few bright blue cold cathodes.
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