After reviewing the Koolance PC2-601 water cooled case, I was commissioned to mod the beast into something unique. One thing to bear in mind about this project is the final result was intended to be sold at a realistic price, therefore cost restraint was a big factor in deciding which mods were included and dropped from the final design.
Before I start I would like to say that from an aesthetic perspective I dislike this case immensely. The build quality is superb and it
is an excellent case, but to my mind it is just too butt ugly! I only mention this as a point of interest to those of you who have only ever modded your own cherished gear. Once you move into the realms of professional modding you may well end up undertaking projects you have no personal interest in but you still have to produce the "goods".

So, with the scene set it is time to get on with the "murder"... If you read the review you will remember this... and if you didn't, then this is today's victim...
Looking the ugly brute in the face I decided a somewhat "industrial" look was the way to go. So, straight down to business and the first thing is to strip the case of its outer shell. Sides, top and front. The front is clipped to the metal work with the usual plastic fingers. With the metal sides removed, I decided to strip away the paint for the new finish.
As soon as the paint stripper went on, this big bubble appeared. "Great, this won't take long!" I thought...
WRONG! would you believe that was the only area of the entire case that bubbled? I was really starting to hate this brute now!
Fortunately the stripper did soften the rest of the paint slightly. So it was rubbed down with 200/600 grit wet and dry. The top panel was given the same treatment.
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