Win our Supreme Commander case mod!
We like competitions. You like competitions. Everyone, it seems, loves the chance to win things. Over the years we have given away a truckload of swag. Sometimes it's unlock codes for a game beta. Other times it might be a graphics card or some trick sticks of RAM.
Two years ago we asked to build two modded systems themed for the release of
Hidden & Dangerous 2. The result was our
Hidden & Dangerous 2 Ammo Cases which went on to smash the record for the number of entries for any competition featured in the two PC games magazines they were given away in.
That, as they saw, was like
so 2005. Fast forward to 2007 and we have put together the biggest competition we have ever featured. This time, the winner will be a
bit-tech.net reader!
But before we reveal the juicy details, hands up if you found this page without having read our review of the seminal RTS game,
Supreme Commander? Here is a quick reminder of our verdict:
"Supreme Commander is really where it's at. Is it the best RTS ever? Probably. It's big, it's clever, and it's hard. Buy it. Buy it now!"
In short, the game kicks major ass. So given the task of creating a themed case mod we knew we had to create one of the most kick-ass mods we have ever produced.
The lads at Gas Powered Games have done a top job and in turn, we were given the challenge to build a modded PC worthy of the same name. We meditated for days. We consulted the stars. We stripped naked and danced all night around our 30" Dell with photos of
Orac³ and
WMD on screen.
When the sun rose the next day, the decision had been made. We would replicate the UEF Armoured Command Unit (ACU) and kit it with the highest spec components available. If you don't already know what an ACU looks like, he's the mean-lookin' mother on the DVD box (above). The mad modder in charge of this enterprise is none other than
Micke "GoTaLL" Gustafsson, one of our most prolific modders.
Of course, an undertaking of this magnitude would not be possible without some help of our friends. The following companies have contributed generously to this project so that one lucky winner can take home a PC of immeasurable speed. These guys support the modding community so the next time you're upgrading your system, please consider their products.
Continue to the next page for details on how to enter...
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