Win! A beta key for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. multiplayer!
We've all been waiting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for, like, the longest time. It's not long until launch now - the full game is out,
for sure, on March 23, and we've been playing the single player for the last week - watch out for our preview soon.
Here's the blurb:
In 1986 the world's most horrific nuclear disaster took place in Chernobyl. After subsequent unexplained explosions in 2006, a military zone is set up preventing access to this area. Stories of huge anomalous energy disturbances and strange sightings within the Zone are rife. Only the foolhardy or insane venture in.
After having been found unconscious in the zone, you have become a S.T.A.L.K.E.R., a mercenary paid by scientists and other undisclosed groups, searching for strange artifacts, information and technologies while striving to regain your memory.
However, you're not alone: rival S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S, military guards, mutants and deadly anomalous creatures stand in your way as you begin to unravel the mystery of the Zone and your own identity.
Whilst the hoi paloi have to wait until March to play, the wonderful guys at GSC Game World and THQ are offering 100
bit-tech readers a chance to get a sneak peek at the game early. Isn't that nice of them? All you have to do is answer our competition question and email us to be in with a chance to win.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. beta key question:
What year is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. set in? Is it:
(Tip: have a look
What to do:
This competition is now closed
The Rules
- This competition is open to all bit-tech readers worldwide.
- You must be over 16 years of age to enter.
- Emails must be received by Friday, February 9 at 11:59AM, 2007 to qualify.
- 100 winners will be picked at random from the qualifying submissions.
- The Editor's decision is final.
- Questions can be posted in this forum thread.
- Your email won't go anywhere apart from our inbox, and will only be used for picking competition winners.
Good luck!
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