Time to say goodbye from all of us at bit-tech.net
Welcome challenger. Why not sit down, and play a little game?
Budget in price, mainstream in aspiration.
Sony plans to break even on the PlayStation 3 by March 2008 apparently, thanks to reduced production costs and a smaller chip size.
Sony is giving British universities access to the the PSP developer kit at a vastly reduced rate. Hey - with the saved cash you could probably buy 1/8th of a PS3!
A brand new PSP mod hits eBay, boasting a gorgeous exterior and a stunning carry case. Even better, a portion of the profits go to charity, so get bidding!
David Reeves talks about why Sony won't be cutting the price of the PlayStation 3 in the UK for a while...
Sony reveals it has no plans to cut the cost of the PlayStation 3 in Europe. And the news only gets worse, with no 80GB release planned for Europe and the American 60GB model end-of-life-ing.
Sony reveals that once the 60GB version of the PlayStation 3 is sold out in the US then no more will be made for sale there. The price cut suddenly doesn't look so good.
The PSP finally gets a much needed redesign in the shape of the new PSP Slim. It looks yummy, but is it even tastier than the DS Lite?
New footage of Haze on the PlayStation 3 is released at E3 and, if you can see through the haze, things are looking to be quite good for the UK developed shooter.
Apparently Sony meant to set expectations high with the controversial Killzone 2 trailer in 2005 and wasn't lying about the quality of the finished product.
Square Enix head honcho, John Yamamoto, reckons the recent price cut on the PS3 isn't enough. What do you reckon?
Sony streamlines and lightens the PS2, whilst letting Europeans know just what to expect in terms of PS3 price cuts. Is Sony going to be nice to Europe for once?
Rumours are a-flyin' on golden wings that Sony will cut the price of the PS3 by $100USD next week. Could the hare finally have woken up and realised it's in last place?
Sony says it won't buy exclusive games for the PS3, but will instead earn exclusive games on the merit of its hardware.
Ted Price of Insomniac Games reckons the PS3 has become a whipping boy for the media.
Sony's newest PSP firmware update doesn't just give it PS3 connectivity. The little device gets a shot in the arm as the speed bumps up, too.
Take-Two temporarily suspends plans to distribute Manhunt 2 on any platform following censorship and rating problems.
Earlier this week, Blockbuster video announced that it was going to expand its line of Blu-ray titles into another 1450 stores in America. HD DVD has shrugged this off as an insignificant event.
Nintendo announces that it will not release an AO rated title. Sony agrees.
Patent law is a funny thing - particularly when it sets the scene for epic David vs. Goliath battles... but is there more behind the scenes? Brett Thomas takes a look at some of the reasons behind what could be the biggest scandal in a while - and why gamers should feel cheated.
In an interesting double-twist worthy of a novel, Microsoft has sued Immersion, makers of the rumble pack. Why? Because it won against Sony.
UPDATED: Who says money can't buy you love? America's largest video rental outlet, Blockbuster Video, has opted to go with Blu-ray.
Insider information indicates Sony will re-incorporate force feedback into the SixAxis controller once it has figured out how.
The Church of England has called for the people of Japan to support their protests against Sony.
October 14 2021 | 15:04